Braces In Kensington

Crafting beautiful smiles with passion and absolute care is what we specialise in at SmileWorks Dental Kensington.

As a leading provider of braces services, we offer a range of solutions, from metal braces, ceramic braces, and coloured braces to self-ligating braces. By aligning our treatment philosophy with your individual needs and concerns, we ensure a comprehensive, holistic approach to dentistry.

Embark on your journey to a healthier smile with us at SmileWorks Dental Kensington, where your smile is not just our profession but our passion.


Benefits of Braces at SmileWorks Dental Kensington

At SmileWorks Dental Kensington, a dazzling smile has transformative power. Here are some key benefits of our braces services:
  1. Personalised Treatments: We don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we take time to understand your specific needs and concerns, then tailor our treatments accordingly, offering a selection of metal, ceramic, coloured or self-ligating braces.
  3. Prevent Jaw Pain: Orthodontic problems can lead to jaw pain and headaches, particularly if the bite is misaligned. Braces can help correct these issues and prevent associated discomfort.
  5. Prevents Injury: Protruding teeth are more prone to breakage and injury, particularly for those involved in sports or physical activities. By aligning the teeth and correcting overbites or underbites, braces can help protect your teeth from potential damage.
  7. Improved Oral Health: Crooked or overcrowded teeth can make cleaning more challenging, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. By aligning the teeth properly, braces improve oral hygiene and contribute to better oral health.
  9. Improved Speech: Your teeth play a crucial role in speech. Misaligned teeth can lead to speech difficulties, including lisps and other speech impediments. Braces can correct these issues, leading to clearer and more confident speech.
Braces Benefits - SmileWorks Dental Kensington

Why Choose SmileWorks Dental Kensington for Braces

Choosing the right place for your braces treatment is a crucial decision. Here’s why SmileWorks Dental Kensington should be your top choice:
Choose us for your braces treatment and experience the difference between truly patient-centric dental care.

Embrace A Confidence Boost!

Transform your smile and boost your self-esteem with our comprehensive braces treatment in SmileWorks Dental Kensington.

Frequently Asked Questions About Braces

It is essential to consult a dentist to determine which type of braces are most suitable for you. At SmileWorks Dental Kensington, the highly-trained dentists dedicate themselves to helping you find the perfect orthodontic treatment for your misaligned teeth.

The dentists at SmileWorks Dental Kensington consider various factors such as your dental health, lifestyle, personal preferences and budget when recommending traditional braces or the more discreet adult teeth options. We also provide comprehensive advice and information regarding quality teeth and orthodontic care.

All our dental treatments are tailored to your needs, ensuring you receive the most suitable and effective results.

Adjustments to your braces are typically scheduled every four to six weeks, depending on your needs.

When you come in for an appointment, the dentist will assess your needs and make the necessary adjustments to your braces. We also offer patient forms and comprehensive dental services for children and adults.

We understand that braces can be a daunting process, and we want to ensure you are comfortable and have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your orthodontic care.

With an ever-growing population of adults seeking orthodontic treatments, it is clear that straightening one’s teeth is not just a rite of passage for children and teenagers.

At SmileWorks Dental Kensington, adults can benefit from braces to correct a range of dental issues, from crooked teeth and overcrowding to bite irregularities. With a variety of braces options, such as ceramic braces and self-ligating braces, patients can achieve a brighter, healthier smile.

With a limited time to achieve a smile makeover, the friendly dentists at SmileWorks Dental Kensington can help patients get the best results quickly. With high-quality braces and cosmetic treatments, SmileWorks Dental Kensington offers the best care for patients.

Dentists recommend immediate attention to alleviate discomforts in a braces emergency, such as a broken bracket or a loose wire. At SmileWorks Dental Kensington, experienced dentists provide a range of treatments to address a variety of issues.

In the meantime, there are steps you can take to alleviate discomfort. If a wire is protruding and irritating your mouth, cover sharp ends with orthodontic wax to prevent them from scratching your mouth. However, these are temporary measures, and arranging an appointment for a professional fix is crucial.

The braces process generally lasts 18 months to 2 years, although this may vary depending on the individual’s needs and braces.

However, it’s important to note that every patient’s orthodontic journey is unique. For instance, a patient with severely misaligned teeth may require a longer treatment than someone with only minor orthodontic issues.

At SmileWorks Dental Kensington, we monitor your progress closely, making adjustments as necessary to ensure the best possible result. Rest assured. The dental team is committed to helping you achieve a beautifully aligned smile in the shortest possible time frame without compromising the quality of care.

SmileWorks Dental Kensington can provide effective orthodontic treatment to address alignment and bite issues. Whether you have an overbite, underbite, crossbite, or crooked or crowded teeth, braces can help to move your teeth into the correct positions, improving your smile and overall oral health.

At SmileWorks Dental Kensington, we provide comprehensive care that includes advanced treatment plans tailored to your individual needs. The dentists will conduct a thorough examination to determine the best course of action for your teeth. We understand the importance of achieving a brilliant smile and provide personalised treatment advice to help you achieve radiant smiles.

With our smile plan, you can be sure you are getting the best care possible for your oral health plan.